News & Resources

Check out our latest news/pūrongo and resources/rauemi ipurangi to help kick-start employment journeys for rangatahi/youth. Browse our news/pūrongo section for updates on the YES campaign, events, success stories and news/pūrongo from kawhakawhiwhi mahi/employers and rangatahi/youth. We have a bunch of resources/rauemi from interview tips, contract advice, suggested training providers and onboarding success. Curated with you in mind, this is all about building your knowledge, confidence and connections so we can bridge the gap between businesses and younger members of the workforce.

Tales of Starting Out: Who Gave You Your First Break?  

Friday June 3, 2016

We recently spoke to Darren Jennings of Otago Sheet Metal who reminded us that everyone's career has to start somewhere. Often all it takes to set off a cascade of personal and career success is for one employer to give a young person their first break. We reached out to our Facebook followers for some origins-themed inspiration - check out some of the highlights here.

YES Campaign Launch Event a Resounding Success!  

Friday May 13, 2016

With over 65 attendees,  Youth Employment Success has officially launched, ready to engage and supporting locals working towards a Dunedin that doesn't accept disengaged youth. 

Top Attributes Employers Are Looking For When Hiring Youth  

Wednesday April 27, 2016

Whether you're looking to get into the workforce or already in a job, current employers are looking for a specific set of personal qualities from both prospective and current employees. We've identified eight qualities, as recognised by local employers themselves - take a look and see how you weigh up and identify any areas you could brush up on to land that new job!

Where to Find New Youth Employees

Wednesday April 27, 2016

Looking to employ someone new?  We've put together a quick list of the places they're looking for jobs and ways you can make contact.  

Dunedin Training Providers

Wednesday April 27, 2016

Dunedin has some awesome training institutions to help you up-skill and land that first job. Check them out below! 

How to Write a Great CV

Wednesday April 27, 2016

Your CV is the first thing a future employer will look at when hiring new people. In order to get that all-important interview, we've put together a few tips and tricks to help you build a polished CV to help you get a foot in the door!  

Interview Tips & Techniques For Youth

Wednesday April 27, 2016

Interviewing for a new job can be incredibly stressful, especially if you are inexperienced or have never had one before. With a bit of practice, you can boost your confidence to help you score that brand new job! We've put together a quick list of tip tips to nail that interview. Check them out below.

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