Here are 5 tips that will help you become more employable.
Keep your CV up to date
Brushing up on your IT skills is extremely helpful in regards to updating your CV on your social platforms. LinkedIn, is a great platform to promote your skillset in a digital versatile business portfolio acting like a social media platform. Keeping your CV relevant will also support your accessibility in regards to job applications.
Be Proactive
Be proactive about your desired carer of interest. Put yourself in positions where you can upskill and teach yourself skills that could help you secure a job. Joining clubs and communities at school or university, out outside these institutions. Any extracurricular activities will expand your skills and experience, two things employers are actively looking for.
Handy Hint: Apply for opportunities through the YES website with employers in industries that may interest you.
Being approachable and confident is great but networking with like-minded employers is even better. Getting to talk to people in the industry and ask how they entered it and ask what their expectation is to meet the entry-level requirements. Making good positive connections and long term friendships will help you become more employable.
Be busy on social Media
Having a presence on social media is also a great marker for potential employers. They will be trying to collect as much information on you as possible and having an up to date Social account. Keeping an updated personal profile is also a valuable skill for creating a sense of presence that is sought after in the emergence of the digital age.