Traits to Become a Successful Job Applicant 

By Emma Turner | Posted: Wednesday January 17, 2018

Have you ever wondered how you could be seen as an attractive applicant when applying for a job? We have compiled a list to help you out with some of the traits employers look for in applicants.

The three C’s; Contacts, Competence, Credibility: The more contacts you have, the more likely you are to find out about the jobs that may not be advertised or advertised where you are looking, contacts are also good for references and recommendations for different industries that you might be applying for. Having competence means being able to get the job done, being able to set priorities and separate the relevant from the irrelevant tasks. Lastly having credibility is all about your character and reputation, it is important when it comes to recommendations and references that you have not done anything to ruin your credibility otherwise it could come back on the person who gave you the recommendation as having lied or given a bad recommendation.

Be a natural born leader: If you have the traits of a leader the employer will see that you have the potential to move into higher roles in the future.

Be goal oriented: It’s always good to have goals for the future and your next steps in the journey of your career and let it be known to the employer that you are keen to go further in the industry, so it’s is known that you will work hard to get there.

Have enthusiasm and initiative: Employers will love it when you have enthusiasm and initiative to show what you would bring to the table and how that could help the business.

Have long-term potential: Employers appreciate long-standing employers and don’t like to hire someone for a couple of months. They will always take the person who has long-term potential over someone who has a short-term mindset.

Have the courage to go out of your comfort zone: Have the willingness to take risks, the willingness to accept challenges even if there is a possibility is failing. Show courage, and it will resonate with the employer.

Be likeable: Employers bond with warm, easy going people that can work well with others. They like when someone can slot into the team culture and can adapt quickly.

Being able to multitask is important! Living in the fast-paced world that we do it is important that you can do more than one thing at a time. Whether it is two projects or talking to someone as well as completing their order.

Most Importantly - BE TRUSTWORTHY: Without the employer being able to trust you, the other traits mean nothing. By the employer hiring you it is their way of saying that they trust you.

You don’t have to be perfect and have all of these traits down. The way in which a good first impression is mostly focused on your personality and whether you have positive qualities. These are all traits that may not come naturally, but they are things that can be worked on.

If you are wanting to apply for jobs or get in contact with local Dunedin businesses check out the Youth Employer site making your searching much easier with all friendly Dunedin employers all in one place. https://youthemployer.nz/employers/

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