Interviews, What Not To Do

By Jay Phillips | Posted: Tuesday March 22, 2022

Below are some of our top tips on what not to do when you're going for an interview.

  • Forget to do some background research on the company

Not knowing what a company does or values can come across as disinterest. Looking up the business or organisation and bringing some background knowledge to the table can go a long way. Employers are looking to hire enthusiastic candidates that are genuinely interested in what they are doing.

  • Forget to Clean up your Social Media

 It is common for employers to run background checks. So making sure any public posts on your social media accounts are appropriate for your employer to be viewing is super important.

  • Arrive Late

Arriving late for your interview can indicate a lack of time management skills and enthusiasm. Show your potential employer that their time is important to you by always being on time or even slightly early.

  • Talk yourself out of a position

Speak with confidence and purpose. Let them know just how valuable you are and how excited you are about potentially becoming their newest team member. You've got this!!

  • Dress Inappropriately

Dress for Success, being tidy and clean will always create a great first impression. Dress for the industry you are preparing to enter.

  • Leave your Phone on

Leave your phone in aeroplane mode or on silent. Don't let your phone interrupt your flow, a buzzing phone may distract from your talking points. Show your interviewer how valuable their time is by giving them your full attention.

  • Forgot to Bring Copies of your CV

Bring multiple copies of your CV (just in case). This will provide the potential employer with vital information like your work experience and skills. It will also contain your contact details so that they can make the next move.

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